Fly Fishing, Hunting, and Guided Tours in Madison County
Welcome to Your Home Away From Home...
Lure Me Inn | Ennis, Montana
Madison County offers plenty of activities for the Angler, Hunter, Sightseer and Hiker. Whatever you have interest in, I can help you find the right person to guide you through the terrain and activity.
If you’re looking for world-class fly fishing, then Ennis, Montana is the place to be. Living in The Heart of Trout Nation provides many different fishing opportunities. We have amazing rivers and lakes throughout Southwestern Montana as well as Idaho and Wyoming. While you can fish year-round here, I can’t recommend it during the cold winter months. If you are interested in a Stay & Fish Vacation Package, call me to discuss options.
Ennis is the home to many guide services, so if you are in need of assistance, call me and I will connect you with some amazing guide/outfitters! While you travel through the town of Ennis, you will see a few partners of Lure Me Inn. Take some time to stop in and say hello and see what’s being eaten!

Edge Outfitting
Justin Edge

Madison Flyfisher
Randy Brown
[email protected]

The Tackle Shop
127 Main St.

Trout Stalkers
301 Main St.
Which Flies?
If you're wondering what flies to use, well, there are thousands.
For a simple overview, I follow this guide:
- March is skwala season
- April/May use baetis
- June through August, use salmons, yellow stones, caddis & little yellow sally’s
- End of season, use terrestrials, pale morning duns, baetis and tricos.
- Midges can be used year-round.
Don’t worry, each guide will direct you to the appropriate flies and sizes.
Fishing/Hunting License...
Don't forget to get your fishing/hunting license. While you can get one from any of the outfitters listed above, or the world famous Shedhorn's, 406-682-4210, you can also get one on the official Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks website
Bird/Wildlife Spotting...
If you want to get on the river for Sightseeing, Bird/Wildlife Spotting, “oar’ a Romantic Sunset “Cruise”, Melissa Glaser from Magical Madison River Scenic Floats is the woman to call (406) 641-0025.
Hunting Season...
Check back here for updates as the hunting season heats up, But, if you want to hunt (don’t forget to leave some Elk Steaks for the Inn Keeper), get your application in EARLY so that you can get a tag/permit.
If you have any questions, please call me directly! If I don’t know the answer, I will find it or connect you with the appropriate person and/or resources.
Welcome Home!
Mobile | (406) 599-8021